I was goofing off with my camera yesterday after a nice Thunderstorm and took pictures of the flowers at many angles.. Some of the best photos of that bunch came from randomness. It comes to show how wonderful flowers are and photogenic at any angle.. Unlike humans.. These two flowers are my favorite Nikko Blue Hydrangea and my wishbone/monkey flower that volunteered in a pot of mine this year..

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Always enjoy meeting someone new. Hope you'll return.
Hydrangea are one of my favourites, Nikko blue is especially good and is the best seller at the nursery I purchase for. Second is Endless Summer, and third is Lady in Red. Your have inspired me to some of my Hydrangeas.
All the best, BOB
Sorry, I forgot a word. You have inspired me to post some of my Hydrangea pictures.
Happy gardening :)
I love the blue hydrangea also.
My lantana was started from a small plant my sister gave me that came up around her bush. I guess that is what you call a volunteer.
I definately don't have a green thumb like you!
Nice photo and plants. Harvested that zuke the other day Dirty fingernails, If I make the cake this weekend, I will post some pictures.
I have one of those plants, but I must not have given it enough of this special fertilizer because it is pink.
love the picture, fabulous.
Happy to have a new friend drop by to visit...
Hydrangeas are one of my favorite flowers. I have Nikko Blue, Merrit's Supreme, Endlesss Summer and other common varities. New ones this summer I've planted are Blushing Bride and Annabelle. Right now Annabelle looks very promising. One blooming now is a tree type white bloomer that I'm not sure what the variety is, maybe Peegee, I'm not sure.
Please come again and I'll be back to read more.....Betty
Hydrangeas are favourites here too :-) I clicked to enlarge and wow! The raindrops look magical on the petals and leaves! Beautiful photos :-)
The enlarged photos are amazing - love the hydrangea - Nikko Blue isn't hardy here :(
(I'll just have to stop by and enjoy yours!)
Great pictures!! Love how the water drops are hanging on the petals. I don't have Nikko blue but I have Lady in Red and Endless Summer. They have not bloomed yet for me this year. Not sure why. They might be in too much shade or so I am told. The new one Blussing Bride, I beleive it is and Endless Summer variety is blooming up a storm. I will have to do a post on it soon. Thanks for sharing such wonderful pictures!!
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