Thursday, September 6, 2007


Mr. Brownthumb wants to trade some butterflies with me.. I don't know if I can let go of the ones in my yard..


Cindy Garber Iverson said...

I just love the photos! Such gorgeous shots of an amazing creature. So beautiful! I wouldn't want to let them go either. Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

P.S. Thanks for the birthday song to the kitties. That was my favorite birthday song in children's Primary at church when I was young.

Dirty Fingernails said...

One of mine as well!! That is how I knew it by heart.

Melissa said...

absolutely beautiful...for three years we had swallowtails in the garden and this year not one. :(

kris said...

Beautiful - I had caterpillars on my parsley, but haven't seen any swallowtails yet...

MrBrownThumb said...

Those are some beauties. I saw a Swallowtail in the neighbors garden and tried to get a pic but it was too fast for me. I'm jealous. :9(