Sunday, March 30, 2008

Forget Me Not (Myosotis alpestris)

Forget me not, has been around for years. This year is the first year I planted and am kicking myself , trying to figure out why I haven't planted it sooner. It blooms so early and nothing can match it's dainty blue clusters of flowers. My neighbor Miss Terri tells me it can be invasive here in the South, because of it self sows, rather proficiently. Here is considered a herbaceous perennial. I put down more seed in hopes of more flowers. Other areas like Southeastern Idaho where I grew up my grandmothers had to plant it every spring. My grandmother Eva had a magnificent garden, that was featured in the local newspaper many times. I remember as a little girl on the back of the garage a small garden of just forget me nots. Blue as the eye could see. It matched the brisk days and bright blue skies of springtime in the Gem state. Everytime I see the little blue flowers it makes me think of the previous green thumbs in my life.


Anonymous said...

aww, these flowers are so cute!

East Bremerton florist

Connie said...

Sweet flowers. I also love Brunnera, also called False Forget me Not, as the flowers are similar and it blooms early.

Anonymous said...

Those are so pretty! They remind me of the tiny purple violets that bloomed everywhere when I was a kid. One neighbor had an especially large patch of them and we used to go sit in her yard and pick them to take home in a big bouquet for my mom.

I love blue and purple flowers, and for the past several years have insisted on Victoria blue salvia for the front yard. I'll have to consider your forget-me-nots, as well.

As I wait for spring and my own garden, thanks for bringing back the violets of my youth.