I use ladybird beetles, AKA ladybugs in my garden to naturally dispose of aphids and other such pests.. KC MO garden guy over at Midwest Gardening tried some out for his first time not too long ago..
I am very careful as to what ladybugs I introduce into my garden.. I make sure they are the native to North America ones. There are some on the market that sell Asian ones and they can interupt the environment. Kind of like Kudzu and Wisteria down here in GA.
I release about 1500 of them at a time three times throughout the summer. In the morning so they have a chance to settle in.. As for the Angel Trumpet, ONE STINKING bloom. It really didn't like the triple digit temps here.
Thanks for referring back to my post. I will have to be more careful about the ladybuys I buy from now on. I didn't know about the other nonnative ones. Thanks for sharing that tid-bit.
You are right when you said the Angel Trumpet didn't like the recent tempature. Mine lost most of it's leaves and stopped blooming. Now that it has cooled down it looks like it will be blooming agian. Do you start yours from seed indoors each year? This is my first year with one. Thanks, Cliff
I have one that I started from seed last year and didn't bloom. But it grew a healthy stalk, so I am optimistic for next year.. My pink one didn't bloom one bit.. I was sad about that..
I've heard the name "Angel Trumpet." A friend gave me seeds several years ago that resulted in the same plant, but she called it "Moon Flower."
Does yours bloom at night? (They were quite stinky blossoms!)
Nope, this is an angel trumpet.. Moon flower has plate like blooms, where as the angel has cylindrical blooms.. It blooms during the day. Moon flowers are a vine and angels are a thick stalk that come up each year..
Thanks for the post it is informative.
Great information, And cool shot of the Angel trumpet (Brugmania) seed pod. I have seen 25' specimens of these plants but have never seen a seed pod. Thanks for sharing it.
All the best to you, BOB
I haven't had one single bloom on any of my Angels Trumpets so you've done better than I. :o) I've never heard of buying ladybugs (we call them ladybirds)must check out if it's done here in the UK too.
Nasty looking seedpod! I read that brugs have pendant flowers and Datura erect ones. We occasionally have wild Daturas growing in a waste area next to a field and even had one grow in our yard which I kept just to see the flowers. Great photos.
A neighbor gave me seeds for an angel trumpet last year - but didn't get any to come up - :( - maybe next year I'll try again. I like your photo. Several years ago a friend released lady bugs into her garden - I thought she was crazy, but now I know several people who do it. I love seeing them in my gardens, but I haven't added any yet.
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